I feel our planet is overpopulated. One way around it, is to alternate shifts with our fellow "Earthians" or live nocturnally. Technically, such a lifestyle might be diagonised as delayed sleep phase syndrome or night owl syndrome and of course pharmaceutical companies will make sure you get some of that medication that is sitting on their pharmacies' shelves...
What I mostly enjoy about my nocturnal lifestyle is the substantial silence, which to a great deal, is an incentive thereof. Silence allows me to meditate, focus and work without being interrupted by undesired distractions that are often involved with inconsiderate human subjects whose avoidance could be immoral.
“I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strangely, I am ungrateful to these teachers” -- Gibran K. Gibran
In Lebanese, there is a somehow poetic way of asking someone to shut up simply by saying: (Bet3eerni skoutak?) "would you lend me your silence?". Also, there is an inoffensive and funny way of saying it: (Leb. Ya reit khrit wla 7kit) "I wish you shit and did not speak"! In French we would say: (Fr. Sois belle et tais-toi) meaning "look good and shut up", and more offensively (fr. ta gueule) "your mouth" thus indicating the origin of malfunction. The Portuguese are not any less romantic than the French when they say (Pr. cala a boca e beija-me) "close your mouth and kiss me"! In Spanish I like to quote a more poetic intervention from Dr. Neruda (Es. Me gustas cuando callas porque estas como ausente) "I like you when you are silent because it feels as if you were absent", however that is only a misleading beginning of a love poem. In Italian, I like the interjection (zitto!). In greek you may say siopa (offensive) or stamata. Finally, in Arabic, the saying goes "If speech was argentine then silence is golden"...
Silently yours,