Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

It is that time of the year when you feel obliged to buy things you do not need to impress friends you do not have from stores that do not care. How are you welcoming black Friday, America?

Tell me how ephemeral is your enjoyment of another gadget or dress when compared to that of merely eating, staying warm and going to school for some people? Or are you too self-indulged to perceive happiness?

Nonetheless, consider the story of stuff that cost so many lives and miseries whenever reproduced for consumption and consumed for reproduction. Do you really need that nth terrabyte for $50 or mth dress for 40 when sickened by all n-1 terrabytes and m-1 dresses and prospectively eventually you will be by those last two?

Think well before you proceed to the checkout and Happy Thanksgiving!