Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bureaucracy followup ad infinitum

Finally, with a written permission from my General Practitioner, stamped signed and translated, I was allowed  to join the sports and Tango program at the cite universitaire.

I thought I should not waste a single day after the week I sacrificed for bureaucracy so I wore my swimming suite and rushed to the pool very excited.

Suddenly, I learn from a staff member that I am not allowed to the pool and for two reasons, not only one! WTF?

First, the bonnet is required for everyone regardless of hair length or gender. Second, non of my two short swimming suits met the standards for the French pools. I laughingly asked for a reasoning from an immigrant staff member thinking he will sympathyse with my shock and rediculize that theatre of absurdity. However, the man firmly confirmed that tighter swimming suites are more suitable for hygene. Again WTF? Are they worried someone might smuggle some organic disposal between his balls or are they suspecting a bivillus infiltration and bifurcation in their quarter olympic pool???

Apart from the mysterious laws that govern such a putatively romantic city and from my healing from the paris syndrom, there is some charm in the open-endedness of such a huge city tjat never sleeps

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