Almost 3 years ago, I did my first short film thinking it would allow me take photography a step further and help me tell more meaningful stories and share them with the rest of the world. Last year, on my way to Iceland, I had to flip a coin to decide whether to brave the erupting barbargunda volcano and all the consequences of being stuck on a distant Island or cancel my trip. I finally went and witnessed the most beautiful aurora borealis, geysers, waterfalls... I could not come back empty handed. This Sunday at 10.30 am, the short film I made in Iceland is screening at the Northwave film festival in a fishing village 2 hours off Reykjavik and Sunday after it's screening in Paris at the Brasilian Theater. I would love to share it with you and thank all those who participated in its completion.

-AB CITE (2013).
Featured at the Vid Eo Cite "Passages" projection on the walls of the Cite Internationale (and funded by the FIE) on the 24 and 25 of May 2013 projected in Cuidades Visibles in Cordoba, Argentina in 2013
-Drole de Drames (2014)
Selection/Awards: 48hfParis official Selection
Paris, Oct 2014: Cinema Action Christine, dans le cadre de faire un film en 48h
-Missed Connections (2013-2014)
Official Selection of the Viewster Film Festival
Official selection at the Festival CineRail
Amphitheatre de Jussieu, Paris, January 2014,
International Viewster Film Festival December 2014
Cinerail International Film Festival 16 December 2015
-I C Land (2014-2015)
Winner of the best experimental short film for the AFIMarché du Film - Festival de Cannes Cannes World Peace Initiative
The Northern Wave Film Festival Official Selection
Paris: 14 Dec 2014 (Maison de Portugal)
Cannes: 21 May 2015 (Marche du Film at the Cannes Film Festival)
Paris: 17 July 2015 (AntiCafe Innovation)
Iceland: 17 Oct 2015 ( I C LAND in ICELANDNorthwave International Film Festival)
Paris 25 Oct 2015 ( L'art du voyage corporel, mental et spirituel : Theatre Maison du Bresil avec la Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian et l’ambassade de Portugal en France)
I have something written for a feature film that will be announced shortly after the production is confirmed!
Posted by ALAgrApHY on Thursday, October 15, 2015
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