Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today, I am having lunch with optimism and for the occasion I decided to jot a few words about it.

I dress up to the nines imagining I'm on cloud number nine. Indeed, I try to fly by being fly often on the fly though I risk flying with an unzipped fly that can be entered by any fly such as a fruit fly...

Albeit the cold gray skies that tint my fellow passengers, I radiate with less suitable colorful clothes hoping in a Voltarian panglossianism to eventually harvest my fruitful fashion and passion. This is the very optimism that I live every day.

Stendhal's promise of happiness is a subjective beauty, that in my eyes is more of a potential one. I am rather investing in the seeds than in the fruits, mostly because the latter is already harvested.

This boils down to a genotype/phenotype question that scientists have never ceased to investigate.

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