Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Abréviations Post-Electroniques

L’abréviation totalitaire se trouve paradoxalement avec les expressions (surtout celles de salutation) les plus longues dans la langue française et par conséquence dans tous les mails impliqués. Or je me demande pourquoi ne pas abrévier ces derniers aussi, par exemple:

Amicalement, Amitiés =>  Am
Cordialement => Co
Bien Cordialement => BCo
Bien à toi => BaT
Bien à vous => BaVs
Sincèrement => Si

Bonne soirée => Bs
Bonne journée => Bj
Bon Weekend => Bw

A plus tard, A bientôt => A+
A tout a l'heure => Att

Merci de bien vouloir accepter mes salutations plus distinguées, bien cordialement => BCo

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today, I am having lunch with optimism and for the occasion I decided to jot a few words about it.

I dress up to the nines imagining I'm on cloud number nine. Indeed, I try to fly by being fly often on the fly though I risk flying with an unzipped fly that can be entered by any fly such as a fruit fly...

Albeit the cold gray skies that tint my fellow passengers, I radiate with less suitable colorful clothes hoping in a Voltarian panglossianism to eventually harvest my fruitful fashion and passion. This is the very optimism that I live every day.

Stendhal's promise of happiness is a subjective beauty, that in my eyes is more of a potential one. I am rather investing in the seeds than in the fruits, mostly because the latter is already harvested.

This boils down to a genotype/phenotype question that scientists have never ceased to investigate.