Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of best wishes

The greatest thing I have discovered this past year was the ability to love like a child and not have my heart broken!

I have had the chance to visit many beautiful places and meet faces of great minds yet humble hearts who have helped me realise with the right combination of inner peace and self-awareness, how beautiful this transient infinity called life can be. I am utterly grateful for their presence in my life and in my heart.

Here is my 2 cents' worth of advice, that you have to forgive me if it may sound too shockingly straightforward and simple: Don’t meet people you don’t want to meet or go to places you don’t want to go to or do things you don’t want to do. Don’t hush your highs, yuck your yums and tame your dream, and above all, don’t take anything for granted or putatively just because the majority thinks so or your boss says so. Love yourselves so that you can love others and do not fear the consequences for energy is neither created nor destroyed and if you still worry listen to C. Sagan’s thoughts on this dot we inhabit…/adam-freeland-pale-blue-dot-dj

I was so lucky to visit many fabulous places this past year that inspired me to start a series of short movies of which the first was premiered in Paris last month . Next on my myopic agenda is a trip to Thailand and Sri Lanka where I will join my buddy, Nut. Deivison and myself, are quarter-way through the 1001 facesproject and I am waiting for a couple of good news besides that of continuing my research at the Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie and the BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France for the next year or two.

*Life* is amazing for those who know how to enjoy it. Just ask the stars for anything you want and the universe will make your dreams come true. Don’t take my metaphors too literally and have your fabulous selves a wondrous year cause you deserve nothing less than that.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

how well can well being be?

Have you ever asked yourself, simply, how well can one be at well being? People ask "how are you" to which one usually replies, "I'm doing well/fine" but what extreme of well being can one aim for and attain? There is no reason why, if a person can be more well, there is no reason why he would not -- unless -- well, unless well being is some sort of near death experience that defies death and tinkers with other fears we must have auto-developed as we were growing up. But if well being was some sort of (harmless) epiphany, what would be the fatal dose, the heroic dose and what would be the withdrawal symptoms and the quantity of resistance if any at all? Will too much astonishment always be followed by a boring routine or can we find a way to hack our lives into infinite epiphanies each astronomically more enlightening than the previous one? ... Why take risks? Why adventure? Why the unknown? Fear is certainly the answer. Once you conquer it, you might get it!

I made this playlist