Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013


I miss many people but most of all myself. I have been missing for a while. Please report me or the misuse of a transitive verb!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

je m'en voulais pas assez pour te mériter

Je me suis bourré la gueule, arraché les yeux, et bouffé le nez afin de t'en vouloir mais hélas je m'en voulais pas assez pour te mériter. Je ne te cherche point, mais l'amour qui te rendra belle et rendra hommage à ma recherche de temps perdu...

L'amour est aveugle pour que les amoureux ne puissent voir les douces folies qu'ils commettent . - William Shakespeare.  

I am the Mother of Artificial Immune Systems

I am aspiring to a postdoc in Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) at a warm and gay coastal resort such as Brazil, needless to mention that the founding father of AIS, Leandro De Castro, is Brazilian and lives in Brazil. However, to a great disappointment, he quit academia and science for business, thus making the field of AIS he fathered an orphan! The funny irony or pun is that I adopted AIS in my doctoral career before it was abandoned by its father which makes me and all those in the same boat, mothers of AIS. "Mother of artificial immune systems" is a title I have long held and to a certain extent bared! it allows me not only to celebrate Mother's day but be proud of my artificial immune system that was the basis of my dissertation, that was my baby, no pun intended!